Turmeric Cauliflower Steaks
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Serves: 4 servings
  • 1 head cauliflower
  • 1 Tbsp oil (olive or avocado)
  • 1 Tbsp turmeric
  • Salt + pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 425 and line baking sheet with parchment paper
  2. Wash and pat dry a head of cauliflower
  3. Remove leaves and cut an even base on the bottom
  4. Cut into 1" slices - you can usually get 3-4 good "steaks" per head, plus some extra florets
  5. Lay steaks and florets on parchment-lined baking sheet
  6. Drizzle with oil, salt, pepper, and turmeric
  7. Roast for 20 minutes, flipping once, until golden brown
  8. Serve warm!
Recipe by Nutrition Squeezed at https://nutritionsqueezed.com/turmeric-cauliflower-steaks/